Keep away from
flame, heat, and ignition sources (essential oils are flammable).
Do not apply
undiluted (neat) essential oils directly onto skin; dilute with a carrier
oil first.
Always conduct a
patch test of diluted essential oil on the inner arm before using; do not
use if redness or irritation occurs.
Do not ingest
essential oils.
Keep essential
oils out of eyes, ears, nose, mouth and any body opening.
Never assume an
essential oil possesses the same properties as its plant.
If you have
sensitive skin, epilepsy, heart or kidney problems, or any serious medical
condition, do not use essential oils unless advised by a physician or
medical professional that it is safe.
If you are
pregnant, be extra careful with essential oils during your first trimester.
When working
with undiluted essential oils, keep a good air flow in the room.
Wash your hands
after using essential oils.
Essential oils
can stain and also remove nail polish and furniture finish.
Have an eye
rinse station nearby. If you get essential oils in your eyes, use milk or
a carrier oil first to help neutralize the oil and then move on to water.
Essential oils
do not mix well with computers, pets, furniture, carpet, and even indoor
Use caution when
working around essential oils if you have any open cuts or wounds.
Essential oils
can negate the effect of sensitive homeopathy remedies.
Some essential
oils are photosensitizers, like bergamot, orange, and most citrus
essential oils. They cause the skin to be more sensitive to
sunlight, or any ultraviolet light, which could cause the skin to burn and
damage more easily.