[email protected]
PO Box 11975
Prescott, AZ US
Our history began in 1982 as a result of the inspiration and vision
of WMEA’s founder and president, Rev. Joleen D. DuBois. From the very
beginning, Joleen was committed to providing an atmosphere in which
spiritual students could strive and bloom.
In the beginning years, WMEA offered weekly classes and monthly group meditation meetings. But it was not long before our services expanded to include our current Class-by-Recording Program and two intensive leadership programs, which were created for those who felt called to become a teacher of the Ageless Wisdom or an ordained minister. It was not long after that we began to have Sunday Meetings, which included a weekly virtues class for children and eventually teens.
As the organization grew, WMEA’s vision also broadened, reaching out to provide services not just locally but nationally and globally. This included correspondence meditation courses that began to pave the way for long-distance communication and learning. We expanded our newsletter, Meditation Monthly, and began to send out a new bimonthly newsletter, Meditation Monthly International (MMI), which included articles from fellow esotericists all over the world. In 2016, MMI became a beautiful new publication, Agni Yoga Quarterly.
WMEA entered into the realm of publishing books and
booklets, producing compilations of the Teaching: On Keeping a Spiritual
Diary and Agni Yoga Booklets: Death and Transition, Ailments and
Remedies, and Obsession and Advice to Pupils. WMEA released new and rare
books: Spiritual Regeneration by Torkom Saraydarian; At the Threshold
of the New World by Helena Roerich; Dayspring of Youth by M., the three
volumes of Sunday Talks on the Ageless Wisdom by Joleen DuBois:
Vol. 1, Education for the Soul,
Vol. 2, Working on Yourself, and
Vol. 3, Discipleship and Human Progress.
In the spring of 2015, we were proud to publish My Teachers: Meetings with the Roerichs by Sina Fosdick, which offers an intimate look at the inner workings of the Agni Yoga Society and its creators. Through the revealing of Sina Fosdick's innermost thoughts, readers become privy to the Roerichs' experiences of the Supermundane and of the Hierarchy of Light.
The story of White Mountain is a story of group inspiration and cooperation. Throughout the years, WMEA group members and friends have participated in a plethora of activities—from musical productions and choir performances to public lectures and seminars, to holiday productions and anniversary celebrations. In 1989, the WMEA choir recorded an audiotape, titled Vision, and in the year 2000, its first CD, Giver of Light. These musical offerings bring sound to the Teachings. Included in the CD are ancient prayers set to music and original works by Joleen, an accomplished musician and composer, and by various choir members. WMEA continues to provide valuable opportunities for spiritual students to learn about themselves and work together in an atmosphere of joy.
As a community church, White Mountain pastoral services include spiritual counseling, wedding services, baptismal rites, memorial services, prayer lists for healing, and hospital and nursing home visitations. All sacraments are performed by ministers of the White Mountain Education Association.
In 1992, WMEA moved its headquarters to Prescott, Arizona, and three years later, set up its website, which today provides an exciting avenue into the Ageless Wisdom Teachings.
Each year, WMEA holds its Annual Living Ethics conference, which brings students together from all over the United States and abroad to share in the Teachings and to learn about one another’s unique talents.
With the inauguration of the St. Sergius University & Seminary in 2000, WMEA now has an on-line college for transformational studies and living ethics, which is attracting students worldwide. With the launch of the St. Sergius University & Seminary, WMEA took another stride forward on its journey. Our goal has always been to make the Teachings available to those striving to find something beyond themselves, and hopefully this will help to guide them on their quest.