Welcome to the WMEA Bookstore

and students of the St. Sergius University and Seminary.
Visitors to our site are welcome to shop around and see what we have to offer.
Our books are our primary inventory, and we always try to maintain a full one. Sometimes a book will be out of stock, but the order will be filled in as timely a manner as possible.
Our oils and incense are for spiritual cleansing and the maintenance of a pure body and environment, and are of the highest quality possible. We also carry incense holders as well as gifts that are good for the for the soul.
We have many beautiful titles from which to choose:
Sunday Talks on the Ageless Wisdom
by Joleen D. DuBois
Set of all three: $50.00

What beautiful seeds do we want to plant in the garden of our life?
Consider what Master M. said, “When I speak about beauty,
I have in mind first of all the beauty of thought.”

Seed Thoughts for Daily Planting is a book of verses from the Agni Yoga Series that provides a verse for study and contemplation for each day of the year. These thoughts of the Master M. offer pathways that will broaden one’s consciousness and open new levels of understanding of the purpose of life. It is a gift for spiritual students everywhere to aid in their continual striving.
Available in softbound ($20) and Kindle eBook edition ($7)
Available in paperback and Kindle eBook edition, the English translation of the long-awaited book by Helena Roerich:
Agni Yoga: The High Path, Part 2,
Volume 1 ($25) & Volume 2 ($20)

An Agni Yoga Anthology, Vols. 1 & 2
available in both softbound ($35) and Kindle eBook edition ($15)
Rich in history, readers will experience the wisdom and insights of Nicholas and Helena Roerich, and their sons, George and Svetsolav, as well as hear from notable voices who have made their mark upon the world of Agni Yoga from the twentieth century to now. For Agni Yoga enthusiasts and spiritual students on the Path, the Teachings of Agni Yoga presented within make An Agni Yoga Anthology an invaluable and timeless compendium.

The Second Edition of

Supermundane III and IV

My Teachers: Meetings with the Roerichs

Just follow the link